Kevin J. Palmer


Kevin J. Palmer uses his Wealth Stratification expertise to understand markets and as a writer/producer to champion financial justice. He has spent decades driving profits and performance for Wall Street firms and developed high margin revenue business models that allowed broker-dealers to gain substantial competitive advantage. He was responsible for improvements in financial delivery systems and recurring revenue models that were scalable across the United States. 


Recently at his behavioral finance firm, this recognized wealth expert, mapped how ordinary people used cognition and personality to make financial decisions that created wealth. 


“Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Ignorance is the softest pillow on which a man can rest his head.” – Michel de Montaigne

“Financial Freedom is not worrying about the ignorance of imbeciles.” – Kevin J Palmer

“Kevin Palmer’s work merges human anecdotes with intellectual insight.” – P. H. Casidy

Happy Christopher Indigenous Peoples Day


In 1492 Columbus Sailed… With a PR Team


Today is Indigenous Peoples Day. If you miss the parade, you likely missed the one for Leif Erikson on October 9th, which was also the anniversary of John Lennon’s birthday—but be patient, I will connect the dots.

Today, an emotionally skewed country celebrates the day in 1492, when Christopher Columbus discovered America. Most banks are closed in remembrance of his greatness. Closing banks is an irony to a “financial guy” like me because Chris kind of sucked as a CEO.

He made huge business blunders and did it all on borrowed money. In two earlier voyages, he bought ships that leaked so badly he had to rush back to port so they could be replaced. He also did some “Bernie Madoff Prison Time” for various schemes and moral lapses.

Yet his PR ability exceeded his other skills. Going from palace to palace across Europe, he pitched his “new world” concept. The idea itself wasn’t bad, it was his greed! He demanded ten percent of whatever he found, an Admirals title, and a piece of all naval profits thereafter.  

When he got to Queen Isabella, she didn’t think Columbus would sail off the edge of the earth. She thought he had underestimated the size of the globe and would run out of fresh water before reaching China. So, she signed the contract, thinking he would die anyway.

Then in August of 1492, Chris set sail from “Palos de Frontera” on the west coast of Spain. After a long journey he landed in the Bahamas, believing it was Japan and for hundreds of years, Americans have been celebrating a man who didn’t know where the hell he was going.

But boy, could Chris control the narrative. He eventually got out of jail to become rich and famous—even though, Leif Erikson, a Norse explorer actually discover America a half century earlier. Of course, Leif didn’t have the same social media savvy and became only a historical footnote. But Leif’s dad, Erik the Red, was different story.

“Red” as in Erik the Red, discovered a land so barren he named it Green-land to make it sound beautiful—like putting a bow around the neck of an ugly dog for some attention. It worked handsomely. People built huts all over Greenland and “Red” much like Chis, became a celebrated man.

However, no matter who had the better public relations team, it was the Indigenous Peoples who got here first! Fourteen thousand years ago, during an ice age no less, Indigenous Peoples crossed the Bering Strait, beating both discoverers. That is where the American discovery story truly began.

From Christopher Columbus’s arrival in 1492 to the Mayflower in 1620, some ninety percent of all Native Americans died from white man diseases in what is called the “great dying”. A genocide not only of Indigenous Peoples, but one on the moral conscious of all mankind.

 Kevin J Palmer



Kevin J. Palmer

Kevin J. Palmer
Economic Justice Activist


Until now, all so called “get rich experts” tout their own style of one-size-fits-all techniques. Their opinions are based on a single idea created through a personal filter, the very subjectivity of which decreases the odds of success for others. The truth is, no single formula for obtaining financial prosperity works. The only “expert” capable of determining how to create wealth is the person themselves and that makes options for succeeding infinite.

In Reawakening an American Dream, hundreds of personalities were examined. The conclusion: all people share external traits but what separates success and failure is an applied divine difference that link behaviors on an individual basis. It illuminates behavioral thinking that paves a way to wealth, by unlocking personal power permitting individual outcomes to naturally unfold–retooling the mind for individual best use. Actual success techniques were woven into the stories, making change virtually effortless, in much the same way children learn new behaviors because they are cognitively predisposed. Within Reawakening an American Dream, each story is enlightening and offers instruction that can open doors to readers’ own riches.

Kevin Palmer Scottsdale ADD TO WISHLIST Paperback $17.95 $16.51

Kevin Palmer Arizona

Kevin Palmer

Jul 02, 2018 · Kevin Palmer has spent 32 years in the securities industry and was most recently registered with First Allied Securities in Scottsdale, Arizona (2008-2018). Previous registrations include First Montauk in Scottsdale, Arizona (2001-2008); Merrill Lynch in New York, New York (1994-2001); and PaineWebber in Weehawken, New Jersey (1985-1994).