Kevin J. Palmer


Kevin J. Palmer uses his Wealth Stratification expertise to understand markets and as a writer/producer to champion financial justice. He has spent decades driving profits and performance for Wall Street firms and developed high margin revenue business models that allowed broker-dealers to gain substantial competitive advantage. He was responsible for improvements in financial delivery systems and recurring revenue models that were scalable across the United States. 


Recently at his behavioral finance firm, this recognized wealth expert, mapped how ordinary people used cognition and personality to make financial decisions that created wealth. 


“Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Ignorance is the softest pillow on which a man can rest his head.” – Michel de Montaigne

“Financial Freedom is not worrying about the ignorance of imbeciles.” – Kevin J Palmer

“Kevin Palmer’s work merges human anecdotes with intellectual insight.” – P. H. Casidy

Ron DeSantis or Don Quixote

Holier than thou, Governor Ron DeSantis told “his” government to probe whether Bud Light’s parent company breached its shareholders duties over its transgender partnership. He was speaking before Christians United for Israel, a group that fails to mention, Israel’s ethnocide of Palestinians and systemic racial violence. Such human rights abuses and murders are the antithesis of his Christian beliefs. But since he hasn’t earned his own money, he must pander.


Apparently, it is easy for DeSantis to believe his own morality supersedes all others. Drunk with power, or a psychopath, his anti-woman’s body platform already has caused extensive suffering for women awaiting abortions for things like Anencephaly (virtually dead fetus) and the jailing of 17-year-old girls for using birth control. It’s akin to burning witches in the 1400’s for using earth remedies. Old white men making decisions for body parts they do not have is ludicrous, and not to mention, sinful. Privately, Mrs. DeSantis should be appalled.


Politicians like Ron DeSantis are so inept at fixing the true problems of the world, they must distract with peoples’ personal issues. Instead, Ron should man up and try fixing activities that are significantly impacting the world. Perhaps he hasn’t noticed but we are in the Anthropocene Epoch, a geologic time describing climate shift that will result in 20% of all plant and animal species being extinct within 25 years. Addressing food shortages that are killing millions, would also be a noble gesture.


But Ron DeSantis is a Don Quixote, standing against Florida’s revenue giant Disney. Until they pushed back—his first shoe to fall. Saying no to abortions is easy but he’s missing the whole equation. Government demanded babies would mean government responsibility for post care too like, formula, clothes, and college. Maybe he and Mrs. DeSantis should start adopting. Otherwise, Ron Quixote, climb back into the Dark Ages where you came from and pray that the key to the kingdom of heaven is not a self-serving egotism.


KjP, writer, rebel, producer, poet

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Kevin J. Palmer

Writer, Producer, Social-Reformer

Published • 4d 53 articles  #budlight #abortion #disney #rondesantis


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