Kevin J. Palmer


Kevin J. Palmer uses his Wealth Stratification expertise to understand markets and as a writer/producer to champion financial justice. He has spent decades driving profits and performance for Wall Street firms and developed high margin revenue business models that allowed broker-dealers to gain substantial competitive advantage. He was responsible for improvements in financial delivery systems and recurring revenue models that were scalable across the United States. 


Recently at his behavioral finance firm, this recognized wealth expert, mapped how ordinary people used cognition and personality to make financial decisions that created wealth. 


“Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Ignorance is the softest pillow on which a man can rest his head.” – Michel de Montaigne

“Financial Freedom is not worrying about the ignorance of imbeciles.” – Kevin J Palmer

“Kevin Palmer’s work merges human anecdotes with intellectual insight.” – P. H. Casidy

Has the American Dream been lost? Interview with a, Writer, Rebel, Producer, Poet

We’ve just seen one of the most contentious elections in history.  Has the American Dream been lost?


America was founded upon personal freedoms, or so we were taught. We are the greatest nation on earth and I’d rather be nowhere else.

The problem we have now has plagued civilizations throughout history. The regular person gets grounded up in the gears of special interests. Special interests being those who feel they have a right to tell others how to live their life.

New  theory of our origin is, several hominins evolved and dispersed out of Africa at various times, Homo erectus, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens. So now we understand why some people are aggressive some not so much…

When we were hunter gathers, 200,000 year ago, we all got along okay as small groups. Once we became agrarian, land ownership became important and power became essential in getting and keeping more farmland.

There will always be those who feel they can use others for their personal benefit. As a behaviorist I can call it by clinical names but there is too much name calling…just go on Twitter. It is Absurd!

What we need to do now is be aware of that—and then rise above the fray, with strategies to deal with subliminal oppression.

We empower people in the public sector for our benefit and then they use that power to make regular folks feel indebted to them—when we hired them in the first place, or in the case of large corporations, buy from them.

Americans should not accept oppression from politician’s, corporations, police, school administrators, DMV (ha ha) or any institution put in place as a public service to us.


Author Kevin Palmer

Author Kevin Palmer




break from the crowd

economic justice activist

author and Journalist Kevin Palmer

SMA Institute Kevin Palmer

Kevin Palmer

Kevin Palmer Arizona

writer rebel producer poet

financial freedom fighter